Muxima, the latest film by Chilean Alfredo Jaar, illustrates "tumultuous Angolan life, dealing with colonialism, independence, health crises, and civil war." Nothing says weekend like a little colonialism and an epidemic or two. [flavorpill]
• "Does Comedy Really Matter?" features a number of speakers who are not so much peripherally as entirely involved in the world of making people laugh. Not much discussion there, then. [Paper]
• Calla hits Northsix tonight, bringing their "ethereal, droning aesthetic" to a crowd of hipsters who won't be able to tell it from the noise their heater makes. [flavorpill]
• Lou Reed and Hermes don't really fit into the same sentence for us, but nevertheless, here it is: Lou Reed signs his new book of photographs today at the Hermes Gallery. [Paper]
• Apparently there's some big sporting event going on. If that's not your fancy, perhaps two hours of Liza Minelli on Inside the Actor's Studio might do? Or, even better, you could just watch puppies. [CNN]