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From this morning's blind items:

The sexy model-cum-actress -cum-wife with a past on the stripper pole: Not a lot of guesses on this one, but when you thought hard enough, you came up with Tea Leoni, the original mactress. The only other logical, plausible guesses were for Ellen Barkin (based on only hearsay), and Denise Richards, simply because her name conjures all sorts of sleaziness.

The newly-single sexpot who slept with a cad-about-town: Jessica Simpson, Jessica Simpson, Jessica Simpson. (Though we salute the few absurd souls who ventured Heather Locklear — dear God, the woman just filed for divorce ten minutes ago.) The cad has been deemed to be none other than Adam Levine of Maroon 5. Let this be the first and last time the words "Maroon 5" appear on this site.

The actress who voiced a popular cartoon series who caters to fans of a particular sex act: A tricky one, seeing as Brittany Murphy voices on King of the Hill — but one of you deftly noted that she's too busy fucking the help to sacrifice her pooper to Hollywood boys. Mila Kunis was the other popular guess, seeing as she works on Family Guy. But wait! The item is in past tense! If we take that into consideration, it should be noted that Lacey Chabert voiced the first season of Family Guy. Heh, so many porn titles to make off of Party of Five. Still, Lacey's a little obscure. We're going to go with the wisdom of the masses here and point to Miss Jordache Junky, Brittany Murphy.