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Valley gossip got you F5ing all day? Relax and stick the needle in deep: Valleywag RSS feeds will keep you happy.

Content feeds
Want it all? Read the ad-supported Valleywag full-post feed, complete with post-jump goodies.
If you need to get some work done, dip into the ad-free Valleywag excerpts feed, and hopefully you won't miss the party in the back.
And for just the best of the best, read the Valleywag top stories feed, with just three or four premium items a day.
Bloggers, e-mail with "bigblog" in the subject for access to our Secret Feed.

To listen in on the chattering classes, try out the Valleywag comments feed.

Tag feeds
So there's this whole list of tags, right? Like categories but all Web 2.0'd. You can subscribe to those by hitting (FEED) on the tag you want. You can watch Larry Ellison spend his money on frivolous toys (or watch VCs do the same).

If you don't use a feedreader yet, you can sign up with Bloglines for free.

Full feed [Valleywag]
Excerpt feed [Valleywag]