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At this point on a Friday afternoon, we're willing to turn off the bullshit detector for a moment and wallow around in some street-quality British tabloid dirt. Stop, drop, and roll, sickies:

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie have escaped an attack by a Jennifer Aniston fan.

The loved-up pair - who are expecting their first child together this year - were dining at Berlin's Nola restaurant when a woman stormed in and screamed: "Where is that home-wrecking Angelina?"

The crazed fan - dressed in a 'Friends' T-shirt - spotted the Hollywood couple and attempted to slap Angelina.

Fortunately the 'Tomb Raider' star's bodyguards stepped in and held the American woman back while the pair headed for their waiting car. A source is quoted in Britain's Daily Star newspaper as saying: "Angelina had taken her adopted kids Maddox and Zahara to Berlin. It's lucky she left them with a carer.

That the story is set in Berlin is a slight point in the favor of credibility; after all, the state religion there is Hasselhoff and there are apparently enough Michael Jackson fans in the city to nearly convince the reclusive childactorhawk to toss his baby off a hotel balcony and into their hungry arms. From there, it's really not such an extreme leap of faith to believe that a nutcase wearing a fourth-season "Rachel" hairdo tried to defend her hero's honor by delivering a crazygram directly to Jolie's table.