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Lloyd Braun didn't stick around long at The Entertainment Gathering. The Yahoo Media Group head popped into the trendy mogul meeting just to give his speech. Then he popped back out — just what he should've done at Yahoo by now. A source says that before Braun left, he argued with the gathering's creator, Richard Saul Wurman:

He left shortly after his speech and after having a fight with richard after he bombed. A shame really because the yahoo folks are smart and get it and he didn't serve them. Others can tell you the details of how his speech missed the mark. Its some combo of his not being at the conf and getting the conversation, the fact that the session 10 minutes before his zereod in on the rise of the audience and instead of adding to that theme (a natural for yahoo) he wandered back to 1998 in vision, and perhaps that he gets web 2.0 in his head but not his gut. He and wurman had a spat. He was pissed richard didn't interview him and just sent him out to give a talk, and wurman was pissed that braun was not at the conf all along and thus felt an interview inappropriate since and interview should tie to earlier speakers.

After his talk dropped by the yahoo party for a moment and left never to be seen again for three days. Though his, ugh, memory lingered on and was a topic of much conversation till the very end.

The only question is, why did Yahoo's next ex-executive even bother showing up?

Update: USA Today's Kevin Maney says that during his speech, Braun was "exhausted, unprepared and seemingly clueless about the audience's sophistication level."

Presenters [EG 2006]
Previously: Yahoo's media boss: so out [Valleywag]
And: Missing: Lloyd Braun [Valleywag]