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Paypal president Jeff Jordan is worried. He tells the Wall Street Journal that when Eric Schmidt says Google won't launch a payment system, Google will definitely launch a payment system. "We took [the comments Mr. Schmidt made] as 'Thou doth protest too much,'" he says. And rumors of a service called GBuy may vindicate Jordan.

So according to Jordan's logic, here are four technologies Google will soon offer:

1. Google OS: Spokeswoman Sonya Bor lv said on January 31, "[w]e use Ubuntu internally but have no plans to distribute it outside of the company."

2. Google Cube: Larry Page, when asked about a low-cost Google computer, said at CES Las Vegas, "Was there supposed to be one?"

3. Google Tunes: A spokeswoman told CNet on January 31, "We have no plans to acquire Napster, nor do we have plans to develop a music store at this time."

4. Google browser: CEO Eric Schmidt, according to TechWeb, has said that "the company is not building a browser."

So there are the four products to watch for this year, all freshly and roundly denied.

PayPal Prepares For a Challenge From Google [WSJ]