Jack Black Has Two Mommies

Whether or not you're a fan, there's something about Jack Black's particular brand of crazy-eyed, bouncing-off-the-walls appeal that can't be denied. But what are the mitigating factors that turn what is essentially a doughy, short, non-descript white guy into a "bow before me, I am the Zeus of Rock"-boasting scene stealer? Page Six offers some clues:
WILD child Jack Black grew up in a sex cult where his father and mother were in a nightly menage a trois. And all in the naturist commune were urged to go naked all the time. "My parents met this other woman who ended up coming and living with us. In the same bed," the "King Kong" star tells GQ. Joining the Family Synergy preserve, Black says, was his parents' attempt to save their troubled marriage. Instead, his jealous mother would beat up his father's girlfriend: "It was a meltdown."
With Black Sr. lounging on the floor in a black dinner jacket, shirt unbuttoned to his navel, flanked by the two naked Mrs. Blacks (we may just be struck by a particularly virulent case of Vanity Fair Oscar issue fever), is it any wonder little Jack would shut his eyes tight and fly off to a magical safe place, where monkeys grow to a hundred feet high and fat kids can be rock stars?