Remainders: The Essence of Fashion Week

• The most stunning assesment of Fashion Week no comes, of course, from the Observer. A sampling: "I want to be an important person, too!" [NYO]
• Understanding international relations through the characters of the O.C. Obviously, Marissa Cooper is Iraq. [YDN]
• So now that we've cleared the air about Fake Writer James Frey's fake books, lets talk about the real money: sup with his film deals? [LAT]
• Where do we draw the line on watching porn on the subway? OK on the iPod, but not on a 4-inch screen? [Too Saucy]
• You probably won't get salmonella poisoning at the Hotel on Rivington, but it's not a guarantee. [HotelChatter]
• You'll be happy to know that Tom Ford fought tooth and nail to show us Angelina Jolie's buttcrack in the latest Vanity Fair. [Tittle-Tattle]