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"Stars of The Simple Life Whore Themselves Out For Trademarked Fluids Day" continues here at Defamer with the exciting press release announcement that "Hollywood Sweetheart" Nicole Richie will be working through her DJ AM issues on Valentine's Day by making herself available to any New York pedestrians interested in a free sample:

Hollywood Sweetheart Nicole Richie to Deliver Diet Dr Pepper to NYC on Valentine's Day

[...] Valentine's Day will be a special day during the month-long blitz as Hollywood sweetheart Nicole Richie will help New Yorkers fall in love with Diet Dr Pepper at events throughout the city. In addition, a team of Diet Dr Pepper Sweethearts will hand out free product samples in six cities across the country.

"There's nothing diet about Diet Dr Pepper and we are doing everything we can to help America judge it themselves," said Andrew Springate, vice president, Dr Pepper Brand Marketing. "Once people experience its rich, indulgent taste, they forget they're enjoying a diet soda. It's that good."

Richie herself forgot the rich, indulgent soda has no caloric content some time ago, when the brown, sticky liquid took its place as her primary source of nutrition. As part of the exciting promotion, Richie will also run free Diet Dr. Pepper easy-meal cooking seminars, where she will demonstrate the product's delicious versatility as she prepares a five-course meal consisting of nothing but the fizzy beverage, including Diet Dr. Pepper soup and a decadent Diet Dr. Pepper frozen dessert drizzled in a Diet Dr. Pepper reduction.