The Flip Trifecta is still open for your predictions (sent to with the subject "flip trifecta"). Entries must be in by Monday at noon or when the first company sells, whichever comes first.

Meanwhile, every Web 2.0 event has its 1.0 counterpart, and the mate for Ludwig Gatzke's logo mashup is a stunning Web 1.0 grid with that animated-gif 90s feel. If you recognize the jokes on these buttons, you are old. Here's a preview:

This image was lost some time after publication.

Meanwhile, new markups of the Web 2.0 logo mashup can enter by February 17 to win Yahoo swag. One idea is taken: the Digg Watch Blog has a linklist including every company in the mashup.

Web 1.0 revisited [Complexify via Engadget Japanese]
Web 2.0 Logos and Links [Digg Watch Blog]
Earlier: Flip Trifecta: the race to sell out [Valleywag]
And: Valleywag contest: Mark up the mashup [Valleywag]