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Big sister Lifehacker gives us the best "productivity" tool ever: the Slut-o-meter gives a safe-to-unsafe result ratio, or basically a promiscuity rating. Since computers are never wrong about sex, I ran some bold names through the meter for an official Valley Slut Register:

Terry Semel (Yahoo)9.19%
Larry Page (Google)3.93%
Sergey Brin (Google)2.94%
Steve Jobs (Apple)8.2%
Ben Brown (Consumating)5.44%
James Hong (Hot or Not)35.23%

James Hong, the Hot or Not co-founder with the naked laptop poster, wins the Dirty Dirty Man prize. "Most popular" goes to Steve Jobs, who had 51 searches at last count. Try out the site, but be warned, the server's getting pounded. Hard.

Slut-o-meter Google promiscuity calculator [Lifehacker]
Slut-o-Meter []