From today's Page Six, some blind items to keep you warm:

• Which top Tinseltown madam was forced to shut her online operation after angering some dangerous Arab clients? She changed her face with plastic surgery and recently resurfaced in Hollywood with a new name and a new online escort service.

• Which movie heartthrob might not be completely straight? Although he has a girlfriend - called by some "the professional beard" - he left Bungalow 8 the other night with a man and took his new pal back to the Mercer. After their quickie session, the hunk told his "date" to "get lost."

C'mon — what guy hasn't pushed his receptacle out of the bed when everything's finished? Poor celebrities just can't fuck like normal people. But we digress: Send us your guesses for the Hollywood hooker-holder (and no, it's not Heidi Fleiss) and the bi-curious actor, and we'll post your innocent insinuations at the end of the day.

Just Asking [Page Six]