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When we mused that director Quentin Tarantino was headed to Scandinavia to scout talent for the trailer for Cowgirls in Sweden, a fake movie he planned to advertise during the intermission in Grindhouse, we knew our flight of fancy might have the stink of truth on it. Today, the Scoop reports that Tarantino, who recently discovered the delights of chasing Icelandic tail, seems to be conducting some serious research in Sweden:

The “Kill Bill” director was recently in a bar called The Lab in Stockholm and was seen making out with a Swedish woman he had met that night, says our source in Sweden. “The[y] were making out so crazily that they were practically licking each other,” says the source. “Ewww!”

But the evening turned artistic when the smooching couple went to a Stockholm music store called Pet Sounds, according to a Swedish Web site that chronicled the evening, and bought a copy of Tarantino’s film, “True Romance.”

At first, we couldn't help but feel that Tarantino's purchasing of his own movie was overkill—after he'd already gotten the woman to make out with him, why bother proving that he actually knows Christian Slater? But after thinking about the motormouth auteur's probable reason for visiting Sweden, it all made sense. Once she passed the first part of the audition, he merely wanted to familiarize his future fake star with his oeuvre before fitting her for a pair of cowboy boots.