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You've been holding your breath all day, but now it's time to exhale. The results for this morning's blind items:

The Hollywood madam: Ah, so we put a toughie blind item up, and suddenly you guys fall silent (pussies). Not a lot of guesses besides Amy Fisher — and while a From Long Island to Hollywood TV-movie would be undeniably awesome, we're going to have to put a princess crown on the reader who guessed infamous madam Michelle Braun, who had lots of Middle Eastern clients before she was busted. A quick nosejob, though, and we'd bet she's back for more.

The hunky actor with a professional beard and a boy on the side: When you hear the term "professional beard," only one name comes to mind: Penelope Cruz. Seeing as Cruz is currently dating naked-bongo-player Matthew McConaughey, he's your top pick for the bi-curious boy. Other guesses: Dominic Monahan, Hayden Christenson, and for the dreamers, Jake Gyllenhaal. But none of those guys have a lady known to hide secrets for strange men — survey says McConaughey.

Earlier: Blind Item Guessing Game: Hooray for Hollywood