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Votes are in! We're wrapping up the first four hotties contests and moving on to more Valley men. A reminder: After the ladies (and the gents of a certain persuasion) have their fun, we'll start "Hotties: Ladies of the Valley."

So the results:

Ben Trott (55.4%) vs. Kevin Rose (44.6%)
Max Levchin (53.3%) vs. James Hong (46.7%)
Jeff Weiner (59.1%) vs. Jerry Yang (40.9%)
Sergey Brin (73.2%) vs. Larry Page (26.8%)

The winners will face off after another bout of round-one competitors. To the losers: sorry, guys, the Valley's a tough place. You all win Mr. Congeniality.

Earlier: Ben vs. Kevin
Max vs. James
Jeff vs. Jerry
Sergey vs. Larry

After the jump, the results in full graphical glory.

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Gawker Media polls require Javascript; if you're viewing this in an RSS reader, click through to view in your Javascript-enabled web browser.