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Told ya. If you haven't already seen Jeffrey Veen's post on the Google Blog, the Measure Map creator just left the UI consultants at Adaptive Path and sold his user-friendly stat-tracker to Google. (Of course, Valleywag readers knew it five days ago.)

In his post, Veen doesn't mention Google Analytics, the all-business stat-tracker that cares more about clickthrough rates than conversation. Om Malik says that Google could help Measure Map, which "sucked wind." Assuming the company doesn't kill MM, maybe that cute interface can take some of the ugh out of Analytics.

(Meanwhile, Mint's still the classiest stat-tracker on the market. Will Yahoo scoop it up? Haven't heard any such rumors.)

Here comes Measure Map [Official Google Blog]
Measure Maps Hooks Up With Google [Om Malik]
Measure Map goes to Google [Adaptive Path]
Earlier: Google eyes Measure Map]