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Gawker is looking for an unpaid intern to take Gawker Stalker to the next level (more on that soon). Before any overeager college students start tidying up the resumes, let's clarify: We need a warm body to plug some data for us a few times per day (depending), starting ASAP. It could be very little work, it could be a slight pain in the ass — but it should never total more than 1.5 hours of your time, spread throughout the day. The position isn't necessarily permanent, but if you work out, we'll definitely keep you around and buy you beer and candy.

• You MUST be NYC-based.
• You MUST have an hour or two free each workday.
• You MUST live online, or have internet access at the ready. (For example: If we ping you, we want to hear back within 10 minutes.)
• You MUST be celebrity-obsessed, or this gig will make you want to kill yourself.

Interested in joining our torture chamber? Send a BRIEF, un-boring email to telling us a little about yourself — what you do, why you'd be good at this, why you're brilliant. Resumes and attachments will be printed out and burned in your funeral pyre, so don't bother.