'Animal' Bags a Wild Cheney

Never one to let an opportunity for publicity go unexploited, Animal's inimitable Bucky Turco distributed a press release moments ago announcing plans to plaster this poster around the city. "With the Vice President running around shooting people in the face, what other way to be prepared then this Dick Cheney poster/shooting target," the release says. Plus, "The poster also doubles as an awareness campaign to support bill: S.304/H.R. 1688, the Sportsmanship in Hunting Act of 2005, to help crack down on the unfair and cruel practice of canned hunting."
It also goes fabulously with your Save Krucoff/Fuck Conde Nast button.
Bucky's full "semi-press release" is after the jump.
Semi-Press Release
NYC: 2_16_2006
2:00pm EST
With the Vice President running around shooting people in the face, what other way to be prepared then this Dick Cheney poster/shooting target.
ANIMAL will start distributing these posters/shooting targets both online and in NYC this week and urge people to throw tacks, darts, or any other sharp objects at it, anything to increase your chance of a bull's-eye.
The poster also doubles as an awareness campaign to support bill: S.304/H.R. 1688, the Sportsmanship in Hunting Act of 2005, to help crack down on the unfair and cruel practice of canned hunting. (Plus it's for pussies).
Obligatory quote: ASID founder Bucky Turco states, "Shoot this Dick, before it shoots you."
Campaign was designed by the ASID (ANIMAL SECRET INTELLIGENCE DIVISION). Team consists of Bucky Turco + Michael Weinfeld.
For any questions please call: Bucky Turco 212 660 XXXX Cell: 917 847 XXXX
We also have higher res version for print and pdf and low res versions for website + downloads.