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We'll be the first to admit that this week's blind item was hardly Casablanca's best effort. Still, you guessed (and guessed and guessed), and so the game must go on! Take another turn with One Vainglorious Blind Vice before moving on to your responses:

Ted sez: "Okay, darlings. I'm just gonna lay down the get-laid law. When you're twisting in the sheets with a lip-mashing mate, selfish behavior has got to be at the top of the don't list. Sex is all about focusing on your partner, relishing their nooks, crannies, piercings and whatnot. I mean, sure, we all get off on ourselves; it's just that usually you save that for when you're alone. And that's why Probe Light is so shocking. He's a rocker—okay, semi-rocker—a very dreamy boy from the sensitive side of the tracks. Sort of a clean-living-room thing. And so as you can predict, this saga begins backstage at one of Probe's concerts. An unknown minx makes her way into P.L.'s dressing room. One flirtatious remark leads to a lick of the lips, and before ya can say, "Top 40 music rules"...Boom, boom, boom, they go, back to his room where they do it all night. Oh. Forgot one little detail about this assignation. Ya see, Probe's own music was playing on the stereo the whole friggin' time." Read the item.

You say: Your guesses are after the jump:

You say: A quick thought before announcing the winner, courtesy of a groupie reader: "Ask anyone who's ever slept with a musician and they'll tell you, this could be ANY and/or ALL of them. From Bright Eyes to Steven Tyler to Jethro who plays with the jug band down the Holler; there is NOTHING that turns a musician on more than the sound of his own voice/guitar/bongo." That being said, you believe that fratboy balladeer John Mayer likes to get it on to the strains of "Your Body is a Wonderland." We swear that we're retiring that as our go-to sex music immediately.

You say: Managing strong support was Maroon 5 manwhore Adam Levine, who we refuse to imagine performing the narcissistic crimes of which he's accused because we don't want any of his songs infecting us with mind herpes. Why can't anyone who makes good music like to listen to himself during sex?

And The Andy Dick/Dakota Fanning Memorial “You Also Say” Item Goes To: Weird Al Yankovic. We've always found the accordion to be the most erotic instrument.

Thanks to everyone for playing!