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We are, as you might imagine, chronically discontented. We're always looking for something new and different and better, and our current plan is to find a job where we get things like a computer the boss provides and perhaps a water cooler and — call us nutty — maybe even dental. So today we've been taking advantage of the fact we work from home, and we're spending our free time searching shiny new Gawker Jobs for some ticket out of this hellhole.

And what have we learned in just the last few minutes of searching? Reuters is seeking a correspondent. Conde Nast needs a web developer. VNU needs a media reporter — and you know how we love the media reporters. And, for all you schadenfreuders who love nothing more than laying people off, Time Inc. could use an HR director. (Of course it's the one part of the company that's expanding.)

They've got 423 media jobs in New York listed on Gawker Jobs today, and you know at least a few must be better than the menial shit you're doing now. So go get jobseeking. And then leak to us all about your old employers.

You know you want to.

Gawker Jobs