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Thanks to buyouts, takeovers, and downsizing, Silicon Valley has higher turnover than a suburban McDonald's. And not all the exits are voluntary. "Fatlimey" sends in the story of an Electronic Arts warez pirate:

The best "You've Been Fired" story I ever heard was of an employee at EA [Electronic Arts — Ed.] Vancouver (not Bay Area but hey, bite me). The guy was a Lead Tester by day and Warez Kid by night.

The local management got suspicious...They started logging all network traffic and called in the FBI.

Guy was finally cornered when he initiated an unencrypted IRC conversation with his Warez buddies from his cube at work, telling them that he may not be able to supply more SKUs as "things are getting hot around here". Within the hour he was being escorted from the building in handcuffs.

Can anyone top that? Throw your story in the comments or e-mail