Dave Sifry is proud of "brrreeeport" results

Dave Sifry examines Robert Scoble's "brrreeeport" experiment. (Scoble asked everyone in the world — no, really — to write "brrreeeport" in a blog post and let the search engines race to catch the posts.)
The Technorati CEO shows how well his blog search beat Google's. He's all proud and "this is great stuff" and stuff. Granted, if all these brrreeeporters are registered Technorati users, that might give it a slight edge. And Scoble's audience is a 'rati-savvy group.
So Technorati rocks at finding Technorati users. Or even just the type of users who would blog fake words on Scoble's command. Blogger Eran Globen tells me, "It's a case of the tail wagging the dog, but I'm not sure who's the tail and who's the dog. I think it might be a strange case of two tails wagging each other."
brrreeeport report [Sifry's Alerts]
Brrreeeport [Technorati results]