Paul Walker Fails To Praise Online Sex Double

As Paul Walker Week draws to a close here at Defamer, we'd like to spotlight PopWatch's interview with the newly ubiquitous actor, who finally answers the burning question about what it's like to be the world's most famous virtual cunnilingus back-of-head model:
How do you feel about your likeness being used in the sexually explicit Running Scared videogame? I haven't seen it. I've heard a lot about it. It's the back of my head. It could be any guy. I've seen the screen captures. It's so funny. I have to say hats-off to New Line because I think they accomplished what they wanted to with it. There's not a whole lot of money in this movie. There never was. Talk about a way to get the word out there. I know that looks disturbing to a lot of people, but those people would also find the movie disturbing. The people who gravitate toward the game, that's the same audience it's going to pull into theaters.
We would've liked to see Walker take a little more pride in his video-game twin, who's probably pleasured his online wife tens of thousands of times in the last week in the name of promoting his real-life counterpart's movie. The little guy deserves some credit for his crucial role in the Walker PR machine.
And we'd also like to publicly apologize to the reader we let down by not reading far enough into Walker's LAT profile from yesterday to note the actor's admiration for the ouevre of filmmaker Guy Ritchie, which he expressed thusly: "I love Snatch."