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The Post's Keith Kelly is a dogged reporter and a media-beat icon. But the guy to go to with an exclusive sneak preview of your big-deal new humor site? Maybe not. Because we've got to assume that Mark Golin's new, the hyped Time Inc. venture set to launch tomorrow, is actually at least a bit amusing, and Kelly's description of its contents sure doesn't make it seem that way:

One short video shows employees hiding as a co-worker enters a room for a surprise party. When the co-worker enters, they all jump out and yell, "You're fired!"

Then the boss, after a short speech, gives the fired employee three seconds to leave as his former co-workers chase him out of the building.

"I think one of the themes underlying almost every office party I've been to is 'I hate you,' " Golin said.

Another section encourages people to print out provocative, job-grousing posters and "hang 'em up, but not necessarily in your own office."

One poster, which is sure to stir controversy, shows a distraught young office worker with a gun on the desk before him.

The words across the bottom blare: "Go For It!"

See, Kelly's clearly screwing that up. Suicide humor is always hilarious.

Time Inc.'s Office Pirates Seek Web Booty [NYP]