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The Hollywoodization of Yahoo continues — The fiancee of VP Jeff Weiner, it turns out, dated Quincy Jones.

Charity head Lisette Derouaux dated Quincy for five years, according to the music man's documentarist (and a few event photos). Quincy even produced a song named "Lisette" — which, granted, he didn't write himself. Ah well, still an honor, I'm sure.

It's not clear why they split; they're reportedly still friendly. Anyway, she met Jeff (maybe through Quincy's friend and Jeff's boss, Terry Semel), and they're now engaged. Maybe she just wanted to embrace the New Media. Best wishes to them. But if Jeff ever gets on Lisette's nerves, she totally should mutter, "Flashes of Quincy."

Basie & Beyond review [Pop Matters]
Jeff and Lisette [Flickr]
Earlier: Jeff Weiner wins everything [Valleywag]