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We do not know how soul-deadening it must be to work for a media company based in suburban Connecticut. Nor do we know how frustrating it must be to work for a trade pub covering a beat — magazines — that is comprehensively and aggressively covered by a phalanx of widely read daily reporters. But we can develop a strong hunch with today's news that Folio: senior editor Dylan Stableford has chosen to leave his Connecticut-based trade mag and instead join the huddled masses at Mediabistro. He'll be managing editor/media news for the job-listings service, in which capacity he'll be "covering all media as well as events and features — in addition to a ton of other stuff."

Why the double photo? We couldn't decide which of the two self-pix Stableford sent us today — unrequested — we liked better. So we figured we'd pass along both.

His emailed announcement is after the jump.

Hey y'all:

Some careerish news to report: I've been offered and have accepted the managing editor/media news position at I will be covering all media as well as events and features — in addition to a ton of other stuff — so don't hesitate to drop me a line.

***Please note and update with the new contact info.



dylan stableford
managing editor | media news
o 212.929.2588 | x XXX
c 203.727.XXX