Johnny Weir, Mishpocheh?

Last week, we briefly considered the possibility that "flamboyant" figure skater Johnny Weir was Jewish. We were quickly dissuaded from the notion by persuasive commenters. (Also by the H in his first name, his juniorness, and the fact he's a guy who's a professional ice-skater.) For today's paper, The Washington Post went shopping with Johnny, and the resulting frontpage Style piece not only fills us in on the boychik's fondness for the latest Louis Vuitton but also provides, finally, a good answer to the one-of-us? question:
He says he's been obsessed with the Holocaust since he was little and considers himself "a little bit" Jewish, although he isn't, not technically. He says he's had his past lives read and found out that most recently he was a Jewish girl from Poland during World War II.
Also, he apparently loves buying things on sale.
Drop Till You Shop [WP]
Earlier: Johnny Weir Is Very, Very Flexible