Jeremy Piven Loves The Nightlife

Could that be the crown prince of Hollywood's swingin' singles scene, Entourage's Jeremy Piven, styled to within an inch of his existence (blazer collar flipped up, if you please) on the cover of Los Angeles magazine's nightlife issue? Why, yes, it is! The interview isn't on their website yet, but should you get your hands on a copy, on page 123 you'll find a treasure of personal philosophies on one of Piven's favorite subjects nightprowling in LA. A sampling:
My favorite destination now is Teddy's at the Roosevelt. You get the sense they're not trying to pull something over on anyone. There is no cover; it's been tastefully done. It seems like you are in good hands there. [...]
My boy Kevin Connolly has been parked at Prey on Thursday night for so long that if you wanted to assassinate him, you'd know were to do it. [...]
If I have a rapper like Common rolling hard with me at a club and I hand him a mic and he hits five songs in a row and the crowd goes crazy, I dont feel guilty about drinking on the house.
We're struck as much with Piven's bold choice of camera-face (head tilted down, eyebrow cocked, mouth in a semi-smirk, eyes seductively asking, "Did you get the shot yet?") as we are with his frank talk, peppered generously with the names of famous buddies and youth market buzzwords (calculated, we assume, to ensure ready acceptance among the chicks half his age he's hoping to bang). His one slip? Blowing the whistle on co-star Connolly's hangout, who probably doesn't appreciate Piven planting the "assassination" seed in the heads of psychotic fans seeking a return call from their "manager who lives in the TV set."