Life & Style Vs. Tom & Katie

You have to respect Life & Style's huge set of balls. Their new issue responds to Tom Cruise's official denial of a break-up and Scary Hollywood Lawyer Bert Fields' legal saber rattling by extending a defiant middle finger to all who would doubt their truth-spreading network of "insiders." Their website teases this week's story (the cover tag line: "They're acting like a happy couple in public, but in private friends say IT'S GETTING NASTY!") with some dirt about the suspicious couple's recent mage rehab trip to Australia:
During the trip, Tom and Katie made sure to smile for photographers but the smiles vanished once the cameras weren't around. Some insiders even compared the pair s behavior to a performance.
Tom had a fake smile on his face, and Katie looked pissed off, says an insider. Then she saw the cameras and was all smiles. It looked posed, like 'The Tom Show' was on.In fact, Tom s desire to keep up his image is one thing Katie has begun to hate about their interaction, say insiders. "Katie knows their relationship isn t going to work and she doesn t like being a part of a huge PR campaign," an insider says.
Fair enough for Holmes; we suppose that when one first signs a billion-year contract, it initially seems like a joke. But after the first suffocating weeks of services rendered, the realization that one's soul has been rented for a near-eternity is a little sobering. Hopefully, L&S's efforts to further reinforce their break-up story hasn't inadvertently endangered any of Holmes' loose-lipped handlers, saving some unlucky Celebrity Centre drones from having to discreetly dispose of some blood-soaked sailor suits while the bodies of her "best friends" slowly dissolve in a bathtub full of acid.