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· Access Hollywood got its hands on Chris Penn's toxicology report, which they say indicates that the recently deceased actor had "Valium, morphine, marijuana, and an elevated level of codeine" in his body when he died. None of which, we imagine, can have been good for his enlarged heart.
Palm Pictures scores some points with a wink-wink "truth in advertising" campaign for the movie adaptation of literary hoax JT Leroy's The Heart Is Deceitful Above All Things.
PopWatch takes a whimsical look at how to tell Olympic figure-skating darling Sasha Cohen from Ali G creator Sascha Baron Cohen. Hint: Look for the goatee and yellow jumpsuit.
Read all about how Star Jones ruined a blogger's life. She must pay.
· Chuck Norris c-and-d's the Busted Tees boys.
· And in the last entry of Defamer's "Vs." Day, we proudly present the intramural celebrity rag battle royale of InTouch Vs. Life &Style.