Logo 2.0 redux

Ludwig Gatzke published a newer, grander collection of Web 2.0 logos, called Logo 2.0 Part II (as if Part I wasn't sweet enough). All these bright, candy-like brands! So exciting! A few deserve special recognition:

Diggdot.us doesn't bother hiding its origins. At least this logo tells you exactly what you're getting — but that's what makes it such lawsuit bait.

Design? News Mob doesn't need no stinkin' design! Slap a dotted underline on that puppy! Three seconds! Logo made! Next! (Wait, is this even an actual company? No one's home at newsmob.com.)

No fear at all, dude. Totally retro, with the harsh orange beveled boxes. After all, Feedblitz is a service for people who can't bother with aggregators. A Web 1.0 look will do.

Now that is cool. FeedXs is the same burn-your-eyes-out orange as Feedblitz, but that gently faded 3d effect lets FeedXs get away with it.

Slick logo, and a perfect pictograph for the Songbird music player, but a wiser marketing move might be buying songbird.com.
Digg Watch Blog posted a linked list of the sites and services. The full-glory grid after the jump.
LOGO2.0 part II [Stabilo Boss on Flickr]
Part 2 of Web 2.0 Logos and Links [Digg Watch Blog]
Earlier: Valleywag contest: Markup the mashup [Valleywag]