Hollywood PrivacyWatch: Jake Gyllenhaal Back On The Big Brown Ones

Hollywood PrivacyWatch celebrity sightings are submitted by our readers. Send yours to tips[AT]defamer.com (please put "sighting" or "PrivacyWatch" in the subject line) before tattling to the world about the night John McCain played footsie with Barbra Streisand under a table at Morton's:
In today's episode: Jake Gyllenhaal; Barbara Streisand; Warren Beatty; Mark Burnett; Howard Dean; John McCain; Ashlee Simpson; Prince; John Leguizamo; Will Arnett; Jay Mohr with Nikki Cox; Andy Samberg; Mary Louise Parker; Peter Dinklage; Nicole Sullivan; Robert Patrick Benedict; Ken Marino; Joe LoTruglio; Kate Moennig; Lisa Loeb; Scott Ian; Kristen Chenoweth; Robert Wagner; Eve; Nicolette Sheridan; Jeffrey Katzenberg; Jack Black; Larry King; Jeffrey Jones; Elizabeth Berkley; James Van Der Beek; Matthew Perry; Rosario Dawson and Jason Lewis; Rachel Bilson and Adam Brody; Axl Rose; Jason Lee; Adam Sandler; Robert Downey Jr.; Seth Myers; David Lander; the Lohans; Jordana Brewster; Courtney Love; Luke Perry; Eric Stoltz.
· On February 16th, four of us walked into Il Fornaio in BH around 2:00pm and were seated right next to Jake Gyllenhaal and his dad. Just after we sat down, Jake ordered a soy latte for dessert and he was still sitting there two hours later when we left. He kept his sunglasses on most of the time but was sitting right next to the window. Amazingly, no one walking by noticed him. We, along with everyone else in the restaurant pretended to ignore him, of course. He kept coughing and clearing his throat and then he pulled out a large plastic bag full of large brown vitamins (?!) and gobbled down 6 or 7 of them. (Had to get healthy in time for the BAFTAS, no doubt!) No paparazzi in sight the entire time. About an hour later we ran into him again next door at Williams Sonoma. Six nasty looking paparazzi were hovering outside and he and his dad were looking for a way out¿the back entrance, of course.
· I was at Arnie Morton's last night in Beverly Hills. Gathered in a private room was THE cabal of the Hollywood left: Barbara Streisand (with James Broland), Warren Beatty (I assume with Annette Benning, not confirmed), Mark Burnett, Howard Dean. Along for the ride (which is really what made it interesting) was John McCain! What could this mean?
· Last night at LAX a bit after 1:00 AM I saw Ashlee Simpson waiting for her bags coming of a flight from New York. She was with her mother and her yappy hairstylist Ken Whoever. Soon she was joined by her band. Within seconds she stood right in front of the carousel with her drummer boyfriend, and made out with him, a full mouth sucking session for a long time. Long enough for me and my husband to wonder why they needed to that right in front of the carousel when weary travelers were trying to collect their bags. The drummer dude is almost as short as her, and stocky. Why such a long kiss I wonder? Was he in economy while she rode first? Hmmm...I wonder. I will say that on the way out she was kind enough to stop and talk to a couple of shrill, young girl fans who keep saying 'we love you.'
· Just saw Prince get into a chauffered black Cadillac Escalade in the company of two ladies on Wilshire by CAA in Beverly Hills. Hair perfectly coiffed, white pants, and black coat, he looked like a newswoman. Prince and his girls were coming out of either a hair salon or Quizno's. While it was probably a salon, the thought of Prince enjoying a toasted sub is too delightful to let go.
· Just saw John Leguizamo this afternoon, looking totally hot, at my veterinarian's office in Studio City. He had a large black poodle-looking dog on a leash (dog was rocking a cool 'fro, not a prissy-looking hairdo) and was wearing a white doctors coat (John, not the poodle). First i thought he was one of the vets, but then i realized "hey that dude looks just like JL...and isn't he on ER these days?" (I don't watch it...sorry, that show lost me about 5 years ago...) Anyway, he was very low key and quiet...hope its not because his pooch was sick (I am worried it's something serious, if he had to take off from work to bring the dog in...though isn't that what assistants are for?) Get well soon, Leguizamo poodle!
· I scored a golden celebrity trifecta on Tuesday when I had lunch at Cheebo: Robert Downey Jr., Seth Myers, and David Lander (Squiggy). All eating at separate tables. None seemed to know or acknowledge each other, although you'd think in that trio there would be some common threads ("Saturday Night Live" alumni, etc.). I guess none of them read the recent Jason Alexander article in the LA Times about how all celebrities are expected to know each other.
· Monday night, WILL ARNETT (GOB from the brilliant and maligned "Arrested Development") at Gelson's Market in the Marina. He looked normal, nice, and really adorable. He was wearing a baseball hat and I think I was the only person to recognize him. Think he was on the phone with the wife getting food-buying instructions. Love when famous people are just like us (uh oh, channeling "Us Magazine"). Last night (Tuesday), at the Hotel Cafe in Hollywood, who walks in for a show of relative nobodies (sans the charming Tyler Hilton), but JAY MOHR and NIKKI COX? They immediately started making out, which I never thought really happened. He was short but had more hair than expected. She later stood by us at the bar, and was so stick-skinny it hurt to look at her legs (can now not even imagine what Nicole Ritchie looks like in person). Her hair was not as red and she honestly was not as "hot" as pictures/TV let on, which made me feel awful for thinking it. Engagement ring? GINORMOUS. Gotta give em that.
· Last Saturday (2/18), Jason Lee showed up at Cha Cha in Silver Lake with 2 people who wouldn't let anyone else get near him (we tried, because the man is hot-6'4" and that mustache is a powerful aphrodisiac). This morning (2/22) at Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf on Santa Monica and Beverly Glen, Adam Sandler was sitting alone, talking on his cell phone and looking very anonymous.
· Monday night, President's Day - VERT Brasserie at Hollywood and Highland - Andy Samberg with the two nebbish types he writes with and a token hot chick who was pointedly not sitting beside Mr. Samberg. Mr. Samberg was keeping it on the d.l. with a pair of frames.
· On the jetway deboarding my LAX-JFK flight on Friday (2/17), I was trapped behind an extremely slow-moving Mary Louise Parker. She was carefully making her way off the plane holding only The Child Claire Danes Robbed of a Father (who is light-haired and adorable), while a nanny followed behind them, laden down with two rather large diaper/tote bags and a stroller. Neither ML nor the nanny noticed the girl in the midst of a nic-fit trying frantically trying to bypass them.
· At last night Laker's game at the Staples Center (2-15-06) there were a flurry of celeb sightings. The usual Dave Katzenberg Senior [Ed.note—ie, Jeffrey Katzenberg; we think the Sr. stuff was a joke.] (head of DreamWorks, duh) sighting with his wife but this weeks guest was Jack Black. They munched on McDonalds hamburgers and Jack Black enjoyed a flurry. He appeared gracious to sign one autograph at the half for a kid. Jack was more interested in the crowd and the Laker girls than the game. On a side note, the game where Kobe scored his 81 points the guests of Dave Katz were Chris Rock and his wife and they enjoyed the same menu or burgers and flurrys.
Also at last night's game was Matthew Perry looking healthy. Also courtside was Rosario Dawson and her even-hotter-in-real-life beau Jason Lewis. He looked great in a navy v neck sweater and jeans and she had no makeup and was dressed in basic black. However, they were very affectionate with each other in a sincere way.
· I'm new to this town and finally had a damn celebrity encounter, so: Peter Dinklage shops at my Pavilions, apparently? Melrose and Vine. He pretty much looked the way he had throughout The Station Agent, scruffyish, t-shirt, jeans, leather coat. I spotted him and was so surprised almost ran into a display of juice, and so forgot to look into his basket to see what kind of booze/canned fruit the angry elf prefers. Like I said, I'm new.
· Sorry, this is a little old but last Friday (2/10) we saw a bevy of sketch comics at the Cat 'n' Fiddle in Hollywood. We were there trying to deal with all their crazy happy hour rules and crowding around a tiny table, when next table over there sat Nicole Sullivan (late of MadTV, now on King of Queens I guess? Who knew?) and Robert Patrick Benedict (Richard from Felicity). I then had a personal 'squee!' moment when Ken Marino walked through and inside. I ducked in later and saw he was with Joe LoTruglio and one or two other former members of The State, along with a bunch of other people. I suppose it was the non-famous faction of the group, but I love them. And Ken's on Veronica Mars sometimes too, so he owns my heart. That's all!
· kate moennig from the l word at the silver spoon in weho. 2/11 looking exactly like she does on tv, same wardrobe and everything. she was eating with three ladies, one of whom had a very cute baby.
· Last Friday at the Rock of Ages show whilst Chris Hardwick and Dan Finnerty were rocking my world: Lisa Loeb looking lovely, Nicole Sullivan in need of make-up, and Scott Ian of Anthrax with a blonde lady companion.
· This morning coming out of the Coffee Bean on Sunset and Fairfax, saw a tiny, tiny blonde in an unfortunate blinged-out track suit walk in with her friend. Looked like Kristen Chenoweth, but wasn't 100% sure until she opened her mouth and out popped a voice that only certain breeds of dog could hear... that's her!
· I was shopping at the Ralphs at Coldwater Canyon and Ventura Blvd. last night at about 11:15 pm. When my friend and I went to check out, James Van Der Beek was at the counter, settling up. I wasn't sure if it was him at first because he was dressed like a high school senior- cargo pants, some beanie on his head, and some weak ass vintage nylon jacket that said something to the extent of 'nib high football'. Made me think of Varsity Blues. Anyway, we walk out just minutes later, and he walks by us returning his cart to the cart rack. Turns out he's too proud to shop at Ralphs during the daylight, but a good enough soul to return his shopping cart. He looked disgruntled...I tried singing the Dawson's Creek theme, but he quickly got in his car and sped away. We left shortly thereafter, and passed him about a quarter mile down the road. He apparently drives like a bitch. not that vanderbeek info makes the front page, but I thought you all should know
· Saw the former Mr Natalie Wood and current Mr Jill St John, Robert Wagner, at the Crate and Barrel at the Grove. He was being helped by a salesperson, so I had no chance to go up to him and tell him that I loved Hart to Hart when I was like five years old. He looked classy and spry in a black sweater.
· saw EVE having lunch on Sunday at Jack and Jill's on Beverly Drive. She looked tiny and completely sans makeup. LARRY KING holding court as usual Sunday night at Dan Tana... Nicolette Sheridan there as well, dining with swf blonde friend. NICOLETTE looks MUCH younger and better in person. After these 3 sightings, I proceeded to get MAJOR Food poisoning from the Caesar salad at Dan Tana.
· High school principal and noted pederast Jeffrey Jones is in Chin Chin on s. Beverly right now, eating that chinese chicken salad. He looks so alone. I'm amazed to see him in public, moustache and all. I was thinking of going over to tell him how much I loved his work in "Ravenous," but I thought better of it.
· Elizabeth Berkley at Real Food Daily in Santa Monica Thursday night, the 16th.
· On February 5th at about 1:30 am I was eating a hot pastrami sandwich at Canter's Deli on Fairfax when Rachel Bilson and Adam Brody walked in and sat down with a few friends. They were dressed casually and seemed to be having a wonderful time. No one noticed that they were there even though the place was packed, and when Rachel Bilson and I locked eyes, she smiled condescendingly.
· Axl Rose sighting: Feb 23rd at the Roxy at Derek Trucks Band show - has braids (think Bo Derek).
· They're skinny and they're skanky, they're slutty and they're smoky, they're all together yucky, the Lohan family! Hollywood Boulevard, by the Jimmy Kimmel studio: Lindsay was in some godawful gold tights, smoking and yelling at mom. Dina was smoking as well, and is much thinner than Lindsay. The other sister was there with a tiny pup.
· President's Day. Short-haired, grim-faced JORDANA BREWSTER doing the Robertson stroll with tall, bearded boyfriend. Nice looking, but no Derek Jeter.
· Courtney Love, crossing against traffic from her new home at the Chateau Marmont (this, again and again, is how she ends up broke) to buy magazines from the infamous "celebrity" magazine stand next to the Wacky Waffle (the stand where Paris stole the Paris sex tape). Of course, Courtney being Courtney, she got into some protracted cranky thing with the guy working there over change, took her magazines and crossed against traffic back to the hotel. She looked pretty thin and well-put together, although far to obvious on the surgery. More Beverly Hills Boho matron than rock widow.
· Double flashback whammy today (2/22): In the Target at Santa Monica and La Brea today saw a fidgety Luke Perry at 9:30am. His cart was filled with toddler girl clothes. Wait, has he had an actual life since 90210? Then walking my dog in my Beachwood Canyon 'hood this afternoon ran into and chatted with a very down-to-earth and friendly Eric Stoltz and his dog. Nice to see there are normal ones.