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We thank you for mustering some enthusiasm for a blind item guessing game about a spoiled star having a little cry while shopping, which is hardly as titillating a subject as your favorite InStyle cover girl blowing rails off a toilet seat at Mood. Take another spin with (Two) Bitches on the Verge Blind Vices before going on to your responses:

Ted sez: "Okay, get out the Kleenex. Because whatever you may have done on Valentine's Day, I'm sure you had a peachier time than Ivana Belch. Picture it. One of WeHo's snazziest boutiques. I.B. saunters in looking bloated, like she'd spent the morning crying into her feather bed alone instead of banging pillows against the walls in the throws of passion. A shame, yes, given that I.B. is certainly attached to a dude. But it gets worse. 'Suddenly, she burst out crying, sobbing really, and went into the dressing room,' whispers my stunned shopping source. 'It was so sad. You wanted to hug her.'" Read the item.

You say: Your guesses are after the jump:

You say: Postulating that naming his blind item subject Ivana Belch was probably a big old hint, you pointed a collective, accusatory finger at Cameron Diaz, the mega-star who's well known for her award-winning eructation skills. Too obvious? Perhaps. But we imagine that on a lightweight item like this, the folks at E! probably aren't too worried about Diaz's lawyers coming after them.

You also say: Britney Spears, whom we imagine breaking down and crying about her life choices and romantic problems at least three times a day. Others receiving support: Jessica Simpson, Reese Witherspoon, and Katie Holmes.

And The Andy Dick/Dakota Fanning Memorial You Also Say Item Goes To: Philip Seymour Hoffman and Tom Cruise (tie).

Thanks to everyone for playing!