Burbed watches the housing bubble
Housing bubble, housing boom, whatever — I'm told the Valley real estate market hasn't begun to reach the levels of the dot-com 90s. So in a year, this house —

— Yes, this 827 sq. ft. house may seem like a steal at its asking price of $764,900. (For the record, the property-valuation site Zillow guessed $808k.)
This and other house porn at the "SF Bay Area home price insanity blog," Burbed. (Apologies, obvs, to its New York inspiration. Its motto: "Forget stock options...just give me a house!"
After the jump, bonus e-mail from Homepricemaps.com staff.
$764,900 for a 827 sqft house in Cupertino [Burbed]
Homeprice Maps got all defensive at some phrasing. In an e-mail to Valleywag:
i am not sure i would call Zillow.com nor http://www.HomePricemaps.com DATA PORN, i mean aren't we helping the consumer make better informed decisions, thus not relying upon the realtor as much, or at least giving the consumer the ability to know when his realtor is screwing him over?
since when is that porn?
Helping someone in need gaze at the pretty things they can't have? Yep, definitely porn.