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Our operatives were apparently too busy to deliver Brad Grey's interoffice e-mail about the plucking of Stacey Snider from Universal's grasp to us in the wildly popular monkeygram format, but here it is in its original, plain-text, simian-free incarnation:

From: xxx 02/27/2006 09:36 AM To: Paramount_MotionPicture_All Subject: A MESSAGE FROM BRAD GREY

Good Morning!

In case you missed the coverage this morning, I wanted to make sure you saw the attached release announcing that Stacey Snider has joined our DreamWorks label as Co-Chairman and CEO. She will be working with Steven Spielberg, David Geffen, and our entire DreamWorks team to create 4-6 movies a year for the Paramount slate. She is an incredibly talented executive and will be a fantastic addition to our family.

I hope you'll join me, Gail, Rob and the entire senior team in giving Stacey a warm welcome.

The release is below for you to read....


We'll spare you the press release, but Paramount employees must be pretty excited to finally receive a message from their fearless leader that doesn't make ominous mention of the "challenges" who will be looking for new work that seems to accompany every exuberant announcement about changes at the studio. And if it seems like he's forgotten to make his obligatory Berman defense, that's just because he's going to personally call everyone on the Melrose lot and politely ask that they stop gossiping about the status of her job or risk the immediate removal of their department's Sparkletts cooler.