Fake Writer Day, Cont'd: Judith Regan Leaves No Publicity Opportunity Unexploited

The good people at The Book Standard pass along this press release, just issued. They assure us it's for real, though, sadly, they did not also send along barf bags:
ReganBooks Proudly Announces the Publication of
the #1 ReganBooks Bestseller Parody
A Million Little Lies
by James Pinocchio
James Pinocchio wakes up in the back of a New York City taxi with a combination lock piercing his left ear and no idea how it got there, or what the combination is. The following day, his wealthy parents decide to put an end to his drinking and dancing, and they send him off to Sleepy Hollow, the famous rehab facility in Upstate New York, where he meets all sorts of Fascinating Characters, one more Unbelievable and Amazing than the next.
As Mr. Pinocchio describes the experience in his harrowing new memoir, Million Little Lies (ReganBooks, March 28, 2006; $14.95; Trade Paperback Original), his new-found, Larger Than Life Friends challenge him to confront his Deepest, Darkest Fears, taking him to the to the very edges of despair. "Mr. Pinocchio's story, which he co-wrote with best-selling ghostwriter, screenwriter, and studmuffin Pablo F. Fenjves, stretches credibility to the breaking point, but the unbelievable pain, the dirty sex, and the endless amounts of girlish crying make it all worthwhile - and eventually lead to Redemption and Healing (though not for Mr. Pinocchio)," says Judith Regan, CEO, ReganMedia.
The full release — make sure to catch the hi-larious Hugo Chavez joke near the end! — is after the jump. We'll be in the bathroom, repeatedly scrubbing our hands.
Justin Loeber,
SVP, Executive Marketing and Publicity Director
On-Sale March 28, 2006
ReganBooks Proudly Announces the Publication of
the #1 ReganBooks Bestseller Parody
A Million Little Lies
by James Pinocchio
James Pinocchio wakes up in the back of a New York City taxi with a combination lock piercing his left ear and no idea how it got there, or what the combination is. The following day, his wealthy parents decide to put an end to his drinking and dancing, and they send him off to Sleepy Hollow, the famous rehab facility in Upstate New York, where he meets all sorts of Fascinating Characters, one more Unbelievable and Amazing than the next.
As Mr. Pinocchio describes the experience in his harrowing new memoir, Million Little Lies (ReganBooks, March 28, 2006; $14.95; Trade Paperback Original), his new-found, Larger Than Life Friends challenge him to confront his Deepest, Darkest Fears, taking him to the to the very edges of despair. "Mr. Pinocchio's story, which he co-wrote with best-selling ghostwriter, screenwriter, and studmuffin Pablo F. Fenjves, stretches credibility to the breaking point, but the unbelievable pain, the dirty sex, and the endless amounts of girlish crying make it all worthwhile - and eventually lead to Redemption and Healing (though not for Mr. Pinocchio)," says Judith Regan, CEO, ReganMedia.
Here's what the critics have already said about A Million Little Lies, one of the most heartfelt and inspiring true stories in recent years:
"I cried like a little girl."
—Larry M., age 6, Bozeman, Montana
I know James Pinocchio, and I know his brother, Geppetto Jr., and I can't say I care for either of them.
—John B., Sewickley, Pennsylvania
"The best and only book I've ever read."
—Hugo C., Caracas, Venezuela
"I am proud to be an Italian."
—Gemma G., Honolulu, Hawaii
"Anyone who has ever had a bad Pinot Noir will relate to this heart-wrenching story."
—Pedro C., New York City
A Million Little Lies is the first book bought by Acquisitions Editor, Michael Broussard, formerly an agent at Dupree/Miller and Associates. Says Broussard, "Since I come from the world of agenting, I certainly know a million little lies."
For more information, please call Justin Loeber @ 212-207-XXXX
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