Mel Gibson To Shake Up Oscars With Dead Language

It's at moments like this that Oscar attendees really start cursing the fact that it's a cash bar this year: Mel Gibson has revealed to Time magazine that he will be appearing on the Oscars, cleverly keeping the ABC censors on their toes and the audience in the dark by speaking only in the language of the ancient Mayans:
Now Mel Gibson will appear in a brief spot on this Sunday s Oscar broadcast speaking another exotic tongue: Maya. That's the sole language of Apocalypto, the adventure epic set in Pre-Columbian Mexico that Gibson is currently shooting on the edge of southern Mexico's rainforests, in the state of Veracruz.
Clearly, Gibson is taking no chances with the massive self-promotional opportunities an Oscar telecast affords him. He's still smarting from past mistakes in that arena particularly the year a lack of nominations curtailed his plans to plug The Passion of the Christ's DVD release by reciting his acceptance speech entirely in Aramaic, followed by the hammering of a large nail into his open palm with the statue.