Defamer Technical Difficulties

Normally we hate to bother you with the mundane details of our behind-the-scenes difficulties, but a number of you have e-mailed us to let us know that you think our new design (now with a 400% larger and creepier Mr. Defamer!) somehow "broke" your computers, or is otherwise malfunctioning. Let us assure you: It's us, not you. We're having some server problems (when you forget to feed a steady diet of leprechauns to the unicorn on the treadmill, it quickly dies, and the union is a real pain in the ass about sending a replacement) which is responsible for a) the extremely slow load times you may be experiencing and b) the failure of the site's images to properly load.
Hopefully this will be cleared up shortly and we'll be able to efficiently destroy your productivity once again. Thanks for hanging in there with us in these difficult times.