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Pardon the stopped-up flow of gossip this morning — technical difficulties as we moved the site from Angelfire to Livejournal. But hey, it's back, it's better than sex ever — and an anony-correspondent does my job with this report on Google goggle-oglers.

A Google contingent is heading over to NASA's Moffitt Field facility today around lunchtime. The airfield is currently playing host to a fellow who's created a virtual reality headset for air traffic controllers, and the Google Earth people are stopping by to see it first hand.

Not sure what they'll be doing with it if they buy the fellow out, but we can all rest assured that the Lawnmower man will soon be flying through cyberspace in some badly lit, poorly realized basement at Google's head offices.

Huzzah to Google for having the testicular fortitude to dig up VR as a possible future realm of research. Will they call it GR? Or is Google Reality that thing that happens when you can finally sell your stock options?