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Everyone's famous on the Internet! And the webstars really shine in Scott Beale's Wednesday photos from O'Reilly ETech 2006. In this edition, Ted Rheingold of Dogster, 3/4 of the Boing Boing crew, and an episode of escalating violence.

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Ed Batista, attention pimp.

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Dogster's Ted Rheingold and ex-Technoratian Niall Kennedy give the white man's gang sign.

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Simply Hired's Dave McClure, moments before shrieking "Your sun! It burns me!" and running back to his Gevil lair.

After the jump, it's all fun and games until someone loses an eye.

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"Dear team: kicking into high-gear networking mode. Send more striped shirts."

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Mark, Xeni, and Cory of Boing Boing rest between glamorous international spy missions.

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Geek-hobo proliferation reminds O'Reilly what they left out: "Oh damn! We always forget the CHAIRS!"

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"Hmmm, I just might have a 'project' I could fit this pipe into, IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN."

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Ted didn't actually use his laptop — just sat there all day posing. It's tough being pretty.

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"Sure, you could use these gadgets for their intended purposes, but where's the fun in that?"

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Tech writer Annalee Newitz blasts away at MAKE Magazine's marshmallow shooter.

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And she stood there for an hour, waiting for something to happen.

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This would've been the perfect moment for Ted's "I play trumpet in a ska band" hat.

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The marshmallow projectile beaned a bellhop and neatly severed the Internet connection. Only the latter got noticed.

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MAKE Magazine pits Roombas in an armed fight to the death.

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"House meeting, everyone. Okay, have we learned our lesson about shooting and fighting today? Now I want you all to make Annalee a nice 'Get Well' card."

ETech 2006 Photos [Laughing Squid]
Earlier: Geeking out: ETech 2006, Tuesday [Valleywag]
And: Geeking out: ETech 2006 [Valleywag]