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We apologize for not quickly posting the answers to Friday's blind item guessing game — but, well, you kids actually have to guess in order for us to post some results! Even if you've not the slightest clue on blind items, we live for you to pull random, nonsensical answers out of your well-sculpted asses.

Moving on, the blind item from Page Six:

Which gorgeous, auburn-haired network news reporter was caught in the act with a married assignment editor? Seems they ducked into the office of a reporter they thought was out of town, but the other reporter suddenly opened the door and found her colleague giving the boss oral sex. The official story is they were just talking.

We had under ten guesses for this one, and almost all of them pointed to CBS' former beauty queen Trish Regan. As the completely unconfirmed story goes, Regan was caught in veteran correspondent Mika Brzezinski's office, where she was seen "talking" to national editor Bill Felling's penis. In Regan's defense, anyone named Felling was just asking for it.

Earlier: Blind Item Guessing Game: Network News Stays Classy