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An emailer who we assume must work at Us Weekly posits a compelling theory about the origins of forthcoming Jung Wenner:

Interestingly, there are five high-level Us Weekly staffers who are also expecting babies by July — including Janice Min. (The others are executive editor Mike Steele, managing editor John Kline, news photo director Peter Grossman, and senior photo editor Jennifer Halper.) I'm just wondering if Jann's "immaculate conception" involves taking a baby from one of his slaves.

Now, before you dismiss the idea as ridiculous, consider this: It makes the kid biologically feasible, it would fit well with Jann's megalomania and droit du seigneur, and — perhaps most important — it would free up Janice to get back to work right quick.

(Meantime, keep those baby-name nominations coming. We'll open the polls for the best choices tomorrow morning.)

Neat Freak Jann Wenner's Immaculate Conception
Name Jann's Kid