SXSW liveblog: Craig Newmark keynote

Craigslist founder (and customer service rep) Craig Newmark gets more media savvy daily. One minute into his SXSW keynote speech (interviewed by Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales), he's already pulled out a grand declaration: "History has always been written by the victors. And the victors lied to us. Not any more."
After the jump, follow the liveblog of Craig's keynote. Quotes are paraphrased because I'm listening while drunk.
Photo: Laughing Squid [Flickr]
2:56: Some guy asks about the rise of Google and the China censorship issue. Geez, some people are just Google-obsessed, eh? Jimmy Wales: "Wikipedia is still blocked in China, and because we don't compromise with censorhip, it will remain so." Applause and cheering.
2:50: The effect of eBay buying a chunk of Craigslist from a former employee? "Basically, it's me asking favors of their Trust and Safety department." Nice to hear that Craig's taking advantage of that connection; a while back, word was that Craig wanted nothing to do with eBay — and was pissed at that former employee for selling.
2:45: The site will start charging apartment brokers in New York, employers in cities like D.C. and Boston.
2:43: Craigslist doesn't plan to redesign. "But someone will be redesigning it at a panel today, and that will be both entertaining and painful...much like that visit from my mother."
2:41: "My mother visited me a few weeks I'm still, uh, tense."
2:34: I think the kids say "OMG": Craig mentions his Valleywag coverage (he's the second-nerdiest Valley geek, CEO Jim Buckmaster is the second-hottest). "I'm proud to say, we're Number Two."
2:33: Every city has its own emphases within the Craigslist categories. "For example, in New York City, real estate is a blood sport."
2:33: "There was a conflict about people abusing the Casual Encounters section, and the upside was that I got to use the term 'randy' in its proper context."
By the way, Ted Rheingold tells me ex-Disney CEO Michael Eisner is sitting in front of him. Last year, I'd say he wanted to buy Craig; now, he probably just needs a job.
2:28: "Paper is an expensive medium." Craig talks about e-paper and lasers that project onto the retina. "There are these new forms of media, and they're portable...some are disturbingly scary..."
2:23: "I don't have a dog, but I do have some dog food, some chewy treats, which in the case of a quake is called lunch."
2:21: "I'm working on a venture with Jeff Jarvis, a very notable media commentator, to form a collaborative news filter."
2:15: Craig: "We have a lot of stats, and we can look at the numbers in, say, Casual Encounters [Craigslist's hookup section]. Casually looking at them, we can say...people everywhere have the same interests."
2:12: Craig: "In my fantasy life, and I do have a rich fantasy life — again, I live in San Francisco — people wouldn't be watching political ads, and politicians wouldn't be able to get those ads across, and that would be a good thing."
2:10: Craig does his Amanda Congdon impression (because TiVo carries Rocketboom, and that's a good-enough excuse).
2:10: Jimmy: "So I heard, you think TiVo is gonna save democracy."
2:09: Craig: "Sometimes the wisdom of crowds turns into mob rule. What we're talking about here is democracy. It works, but you've gotta be careful."
"People were posting scatalogoical fetishist obsessions about Hillary Clinton and — ugh — Theresa Heinz-Kerry. And these were disturbing fetishes, even for San Francisco."