In Communist China, the VC swarms YOU

The tech boom is in San Jose! No, San Francisco! New York! Ah, wait, it's in that bastion of freedom and progressive action — the People's Republic of China!
The Wall Street Journal runs an "everyone's spending in China" story — which, of course, means someone wants everyone to spend in China, and that certain someone has good friends at the Journal. Even the Journal's boring graphs can't agree — on the left we've got a spike, okay, but on the right? More money's going in, but in smaller piles. Other than dramatic VCs buying tinier briefcases to present the cash in (what, you thought China had a credit infrastructure? What do you think it is, the home of a tech boom?), the upshot is that smaller and smaller businesses are getting more and more reasonable funding packages.
Which is exactly the dull sort of business environment we're trying to escape in the Valley. Because the tech industry can't be run like the Old Economy, with reasonable valuations and no drama, right?