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Michael Arrington, the hot new wunderblogger fueling Bubble Boom 2.0 on TechCrunch, left a fancy life in law for the infamously poor life that all bloggers supposedly endure. But six months down the road, he's concerned enough about his wealth to lock that baby down with Draper Fisher Jurveston-funded TrustedID.

The credit theft protection service really won Mike over. Sure, he tends to write glowing reviews. But he ends this post with, "I recommend everyone in the U.S. strongly consider using this service." Nothing to disclose, surely, but Mike definitely wants TrustedID to succeed. Maybe he's worried — if TrustedID fails, where will they liquidate all his credit info?

TrustedID - This is Important [TechCrunch]
Photo: Michael likes what he sees [Jeremy Pepper on Flickr]