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Poor Dave Winer. Not only will he never get the respect he deserves for inventing the third-most popular version of the RSS feed format, but he's always getting ragged on too.

This time, the Winer martyr is Rogers Cadenhead, developer and Workbench blogger. He posted a letter from Winer's lawyer, which mostly involves Cadenhead's use of some work from a Winer project and Cadenhead's allegedly undeserved $5000 deposit (Dave cannot afford such losses! He is only a SMALL multi-millionaire). All you need to read is Rogers's closer:

The archives of Workbench contain numerous examples of lavish praise I've given Winer over the years, including an effort I led among his admirers to pool their funds and buy him a get-well iPod after he underwent heart surgery.

I've never been more retroactively embarrassed to have paid someone a compliment in my life.

Well that throws it all in a different light! Dave Winer turned on a man who bought him a get-well iPod. For shame!

Letter from Dave Winer's Attorney [Workbench]