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Aged and increasingly irrelevant gossipeuse Liz Smith, in today's Palm Beach Post:

I don't understand people who have time to be on the Internet. My life is too pressured. I'm relatively computer illiterate. I have a BlackBerry and I tried to use it a while ago and I couldn't call up what I needed to do to use it, so I said f - it and I gave up. I'm not proud of that. It would be more convenient. There are some blogs I ought to read. Arianna Huffington and a few others, but I'm really scared to read these gossip blogs. I'm afraid I might believe it and later put it into my column....

Are we insulted? Not at all. In fact, we know just how she feels. It's part of why we don't read her column; we're terrified we might one day believe it.

Two Columnists — Both Named Smith — Sit Down to Dish [Palm Beach Post via Romenesko]