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Yale had its "Blazers & Bling" party for young alumni two weeks ago, and clearly Harvard was feeling overshadowed. The solution? The Second Annual Harvard University Reunion Party, held last night at Marquee for "Class of 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002 and 2001 Harvard grads," according to the website. And not just for them "Yes your significant other or close friends can sign up on the guest list and join the party, but friends of friends is a no-go." It thus seemed pleasantly both more elitist than the repulsive Yale shindig and also less pretentious, and so we asked a recent Harvard grad to attend and fill us in.

The promotional site promised that attendees "can stay as long as you want (it greats really sweet late night at the Marquee so you will definitely want to stay)." Did in fact get really sweet at the Marquee? Find out after the jump, where there are tales of Rogaine, the "Vows" section, venture capitalists, and the non-sightings of Nick Sylvester and Natalie Portman. Fun!

We admit we got to the party rather late — we had been trying our Harvard game elsewhere.... But when we got to Marquee, the velvet rope was decidedly Crimson.

Several members of the men's lacrosse team conferred at the hot dog stand on the corner of 28th street. Inside the usual, suspect, finals-club-cum-venture-capitalist types meandered about the bar, accidentally on purpose letting their Harvard ID's fall from their cash-laden wallets. The bartenders seemed unimpressed. We hear the Princeton alums leave bigger tips.

While there was a fiercely circulating rumor that Nick Sylvester was asking girls at the bars something about wallabies, we have it on good authority that he was actually home making mix tapes for his girlfriend. In fact, nary a Lampoonster in sight, the overwhelming aesthetic of men in ties brought us right back to Harvard Yard.

Female grads showed off their post-collegiate wardrobes (Pilates and a lack of late night cramming has laudable effects on cortisol levels, says a recent Harvard study) and bitched about how rents are higher than mean SAT scores. Three girls placed money on who would be the next to appear in the "Vows" section of the Times.

Though kudos go to organizer Michael Cornish for reiterating a dress code (there was not a popped collar in sight), someone should begin a study of the adverse effects of city living on the average Type-A. Rogaine, not cocaine, was clearly the drug of choice.

And while we can only imagine why Natalie Portman was absent, several references to the recent SNL rap left us hungering for the sweet, ironic ramblings of our foregone Philosophy 101 sections. As promised, "that hottie from Shakespeare" was in attendance — but minus the North Face fleece, he looked way too lame.

We'll take our reunions in small doses from now on, preferably on the squash court at the Harvard Club.

Crimson Reunion [Official site]
Earlier: Sorta Party Crash: 'Blazers & Bling' at the Yale Club