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This morning, we posted an extremely choice blind item taken from the UK's Mirror. The short version: While on vacation with his wife at St. Andrews golf heaven, an American A-list actor exposed himself to a hotel masseuse and forced her to watch as he practiced self-love.

So who's the guilty perv? By far and away, the most popular guess was confessed sex addict Michael Douglas, who was at St. Andrews during the Dunhill Cup in 2004, when the incident allegedly occured. Other guesses included Kevin Costner, Kurt Russell, Bill Murray, Samuel L. Jackson, Dennis Quaid, and any other celebrity who's ever been golfing in Scotland — but most of you felt the item "screamed Michael Douglas."

Or does it? A sleuthy reader does some extra research and finds another account of the story, in which the masseuse expressed concern over losing her job once the hotel was sold to Herb Kohler, who happens to be good friends with the naughty actor. And of all the names above, who is known to be BFF with Kohler? Why, Kevin Costner, who was at St. Andrews on his honeymoon with Christine Baumgartner. Though the Kohler connection makes the conclusion rather obvious, the Mirror's use of phrases like "A-list" and "Hollywood superstar" that really threw us off the scent.

Earlier: Blind Item Guessing Game: Awesomest Edition