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E!'s new take on their recently inherited and slightly stale "spoiled, hateful fish-out-of-water" franchise The Simple Life places stars/mortal enemies Nicole Richie and Paris Hilton in Wife Swap-type domestic situations, on the assumption that hilarity will ensue from the inevitable baby-dropping to follow. The new format has already made some headlines thanks to an exchange between a stroller-pushing Richie and an 11-year-old boy playing basketball in his driveway:

Nicole Richie apparently upset a Los Angeles family during a taping of The Simple Life last week by stopping an 11-year-old boy in his driveway and asking him, in graphic terms, if he found her attractive.

Two camera operators and another crew taped the exchange, during which Richie used a profane word, the Associated Press reports.

The youngster's father subsequently refused to sign a release giving them permission to use the scene with his son. Instead he complained to the show's production company.

We're going to go out on a limb here and assume the question probably involved Richie asking the boy if she was something often referred to by the acronym "M.I.L.F." Lost in the shuffle was the boy's response, who after comparing Richie's goods to the comparative voluptuousness of his 5th grade classmates, regrettably had to answer in the negative.